Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Grand Reopening

During the summers of 2013 and 2014 things were way too quiet at the ranch. We didn't operate any sessions and the future of the program was uncertain. With the organizational structure dependent almost entirely on volunteers, we had operated ten consecutive summers of ranch sessions, acquired and developed a beautiful 80-acre piece of pinyon juniper forest, complete with power, water, a comfortable and functional lodge, one bunkhouse and a nice basketball court. All of this was due to generous donors, hours of volunteer labor, and the faithful participation of many young people and their families. Amazingly, this was all accomplished without accumulating any debt.

Cofounder and director, Eric Peterson, had abandoned the ranch to pursue graduate school in 2010, leaving the entire program on the shoulders of cousin, Adam Bateman, the other cofounder and director. Adam directed alone for the summers of 2011 and 2012, and with a great staff of counselors and cooks, and a supportive board, chaired by Bryce Johnson, managed four very successful sessions of 12-15 year old boys. Adam is a professional artist, an art professor at Weber State University, and the full-time director of the Central Utah Art Center (CUAC) in Salt Lake City. After the Birch Creek sessions of 2012, he was stretched too thin with time and resources to maintain all of these positions. In spite of his passion for the ranch and his desire to see the tradition continue, he had to give up his volunteer position at Birch Creek.

Two summers with the ranch tradition on hold was enough to light a fire under Eric, Adam, and a growing group of board members and former camper families anxious to see the program continue. A new board of directors has come together and is pledging very generous financial resources to help the program continue. The organization has hired back Eric Peterson as full-time director, to organize and prepare for a grand reopening of the ranch this coming summer 2015. Lowell Bennion started the ranch tradition in the early 1960s and we feel it is an inspired program that holds a unique and important place in the growth and development of those who participate. Please help us to keep the tradition going by sharing your ranch experience, encouraging 12-15 year olds in your families and communities to participate, and if you are able, by donating to the non-profit.


The dates for summer 2015:

Session 1 (12-15 year old boys): June 15 - July 8

Session 2 (12-15 year old boys): July 13 - August 5

The cost is $1,500 per session.

Please put the dates on your calendars and pass the word 

Apply Now

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